Saturday, September 28, 2013

Preparation of Today's Hajichi Program


「針突」ぬ成功 にがやびら。
I just completed a draft of my MC's speech.

I am so excited to host the "Hajichi" program tonight.

It is unfortunate that we can accept limited audience for the show which will be hold  at JAA facility.

I have a special feeling for tonight's show, which is titled 'Hajichi,' meaning 'Tatoo' in the Okinawan language.


on the back of a woman's hand were an expression of their status in traditional Okinawa.
My late grandmother had such tattoos on her hands; I'm not sure I can watch Sumiko Kitajima's performance without crying.

Well, I am the MC, so I won't cry.


1 comment:

  1. Hi ! I was hoping you could tell ne where to find this program, "Hajichi?"
