Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kick off  Cherry Blossom Viewing

My first Cherry blossom festival to join will be tommorow at the Greenwich Japanese School hosted by the Japan Society of Fairfiled County, CT. The performance will be held on the stage in the auditorium. The Greenwich Japanese school campus is awesome and here are the some pictures taken at the Greenwich School:Mr. Sakamaki, the Chairperson of the Associaton, greets guests entering the school by offering a sake tasting. The event is held as part of Japan Relief fundraising events.

花見パーフォーマンスの先頭をきって、明日コネチカット州フェアーフィールド日米協会主催の花見で、沖縄舞踊と三線演奏で沖縄民謡を披露します。日本の地震津波被災地の方々に祈りを込めて協会の皆様方と We are the worldの歌

1 comment:

  1. And the sake wasn't bad, either, just a little harsh just before noon!
